Junior Program
The Junior Program at Naremburn School is for students from Years 7 – 10 and consists of 3 classes with a maximum of 7 students in each class and a Teacher and School Learning Support Officer (SLSO).
Students in Years 7 – 10 access a full mainstream curriculum in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and PDHPE. We offer flexibility in a structured educational environment and the learning style and needs of each individual student is considered and adjusted for as required.
Students in Years 7 and 8 complete a school based curriculum delivered by the class teacher. Students in Years 9 and 10 access the curriculum at school through Sydney Distance Education High School with the support of Naremburn School staff. Students can also choose up to 2 electives.
In addition to the core subjects, Years 7 – 10 students participate in Food Technology, Creative Arts, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Sport on a weekly basis.
Music lessons are available each Wednesday and Thursday and we have an on-site Careers Advisor each Thursday to assist students in accessing TAFE courses and Work Experience if required.