Naremburn School

Learning for life

Telephone02 9906 8498

General Information

Naremburn School provides individualised education aimed at addressing each student's academic, vocational and behavioural needs.

Students who have exhausted the support offered at their mainstream school may come to Naremburn School through the referral process. The Naremburn program caters for students from Year 7 to Year 12 and addresses the individual needs and strengths of each student. At the time of referral, a student’s returning school will be nominated, and communications established during the student's enrolment at Naremburn.

Naremburn students are provided with intensive behavioural support, vocational preparation and an educational program which meets NESA requirements in a structured and supportive classroom environment. The educational program is delivered by both Sydney Distance Education High School and Naremburn teachers, using online and written work modules, excursions, hands-on activities, additional texts, and purchased resources. Students are provided with a laptop for school use.

When exiting the Naremburn program, a student may return to the nominated school, commence employment, or enrol in another school, work-related program, TAFE (technical and further education), or apprenticeship/traineeship. This decision is made by all interested parties. Naremburn School staff support students during the transition process.


School hours

Naremburn School operates from 9am to 2:20 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All students should be ready to learn by 9:20 am. Breakfast is offered from 8: 55 am to 9:15 am.

If students are late, they need to sign in at the office.

On Wednesdays, students from Years 7 to 10 will be dismissed at 12 pm to allow for case conferences, transition monitoring, work experience assessment and other student/teacher activities. Senior students remain until 2.20 pm.

Students must hand all bags into the office each day on arrival. Bag searches are carried out randomly.